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  1. cross-breed

    • IPA[ˈkrɒsbriːd]


    • v.
      produce (an animal or plant) by mating or hybridizing two different species, breeds, or varieties;hybridize (a breed, species, or variety) with another
    • n.
      an animal or plant produced by mating or hybridizing two different species, breeds, or varieties
    • verb: cross-breed, 3rd person present: cross-breeds, gerund or present participle: cross-breeding, past tense: cross-bred, past participle: cross-bred

    • noun: cross-breed, plural noun: cross-breeds

    • 釋義


    • 1. produce (an animal or plant) by mating or hybridizing two different species, breeds, or varieties he taught himself how to cross-breed superior seeds
    • hybridize (a breed, species, or variety) with another they cross-breed traditional sheep with the local breeds from various English counties
    • (of an animal or plant) breed with a different breed, species, or variety the danger of weeds cross-breeding with crops


    • 1. an animal or plant produced by mating or hybridizing two different species, breeds, or varieties a cross-breed Labrador