- IPA[krʌɪ]
- shed tears, typically as an expression of distress, pain, or sorrow;shout or scream, typically to express fear, pain, or grief
- a loud inarticulate shout or scream expressing a powerful feeling or emotion;a loud excited utterance of a word or words
verb: cry, 3rd person present: cries, gerund or present participle: crying, past tense: cried, past participle: cried
noun: cry, plural noun: cries
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 片語
- 1. shed tears, typically as an expression of distress, pain, or sorrow don't cry—it'll be all right I can't believe I'm crying over something so stupid 同義詞 反義詞
- 2. shout or scream, typically to express fear, pain, or grief the centre forward cried in pain as he went down under the challenge 同義詞 反義詞
- ▪ say something loudly in an excited or anguished tone of voice ‘It's not fair!’ he cried wounded people were crying for help
- ▪ (of a street trader) shout out the name of (goods for sale) there was a bustle of activity as vendors cried their wares, offering shellfish to potential buyers
- 3. (of a bird or other animal) make a loud characteristic call at the shoreline, gulls cried overhead
- 1. a loud inarticulate shout or scream expressing a powerful feeling or emotion a cry of despair 同義詞
- ▪ a loud excited utterance of a word or words there was a cry of ‘Silence!’ 同義詞
- ▪ the call of a street trader selling goods the city comes to life after 10 p.m., with the din of car horns, and the cries of street hawkers
- ▪ an urgent appeal or entreaty fund-raisers have issued a cry for help 同義詞
- ▪ a demand or opinion expressed by many people peace became the popular cry
- 2. the loud characteristic call of a bird or other animal the harsh cries of magpies
- 3. a spell of shedding tears I still have a cry, sometimes, when I realize that my mother is dead 同義詞 反義詞
- 4. rare a pack of hounds he kept a cry of hounds to hunt in the wilderness
- past and past participle of cry
Oxford Dictionary
- past and past participle of cry
Oxford American Dictionary
- a word or phrase shouted by soldiers going into battle to express solidarity and intimidate the ...
Oxford Dictionary
- cry so intensely that one's facial expression becomes contorted: as she walked down the aisle, the bride found that her groom was ugly-crying
- a period of crying so intensely that one's facial expression becomes contorted: the ending of the film will probably elicit an ugly cry
Oxford American Dictionary
- a word or phrase shouted by soldiers going into battle to express solidarity and intimidate the ...
Oxford American Dictionary
- cry so intensely that one's facial expression becomes contorted: as she walked down the aisle, the bride found that her groom was ugly-crying
- a period of crying so intensely that one's facial expression becomes contorted: the ending of the film will probably elicit an ugly cry
Oxford Dictionary
- protest strongly about a real or imagined wrong or injustice
Oxford American Dictionary
- surrender or admit defeat
Oxford American Dictionary
- 1
- 2
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- 4
- 5
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- 更多解釋
- IPA[krī]
- shed tears, typically as an expression of distress, pain, or sorrow: don't cry—it'll be all right I can't believe I'm crying over something so stupid
- a loud inarticulate shout or scream expressing a powerful feeling or emotion: a cry of despair
Oxford American Dictionary