- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. 合宜,得體;懂得情理[U] He didn't even have the decency to call. 他不懂情理,連個電話都不打。
- 2. 寬容;正派;高雅;端莊;體面[U] She had the decency to admit her error. 她氣量大,承認了自己的錯誤。
- 3. 禮度;行為準則[P] We must observe the decencies. 我們一定要遵守規矩。
- 4. 舒適生活的必需品[P]
- decency的名詞複數
- 常人的禮節;起碼的禮貌
- 常人的禮節;起碼的禮貌
- 妨害風化罪 To pose naked in a public place is an offense against public decency. 在公共場合赤身裸體就犯了妨害風化罪。
- 妨害風化罪 To pose naked in a public place is an offense against public decency. 在公共場合赤身裸體就犯了妨害風化罪。