1. a waterless, desolate area of land with little or no vegetation, typically one covered with sand
2. a situation or place considered dull and uninteresting
3. like a desert
- arid
- , dry
- , moistureless
- , dried up
- , parched
- , scorched
- , burnt
- , hot
- , burning
- , torrid
- , barren
- , bare
- , stark
- , uncultivatable
- , infertile
- , non-fertile
- , unproductive
- , unfruitful
- , dehydrated
- , sterile
4. uninhabited and desolate
- uninhabited
- , empty
- , solitary
- , lonely
- , desolate
- , bleak
- , dismal
- , waste
- , wild
- , uncultivated
- , untended
- , untilled
「1. like a desert」的反義字