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  1. devise

    • IPA[dəˈvīz]


    • v.
      plan or invent (a complex procedure, system, or mechanism) by careful thought;leave (real estate) to someone by the terms of a will.
    • n.
      a clause in a will leaving something, especially real estate, to someone.
    • verb: devise, 3rd person present: devises, gerund or present participle: devising, past tense: devised, past participle: devised

    • 釋義


    • 1. plan or invent (a complex procedure, system, or mechanism) by careful thought a training program should be devised a complicated game of his own devising
    • 2. leave (real estate) to someone by the terms of a will.


    • 1. a clause in a will leaving something, especially real estate, to someone.
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    • IPA[dɪˈvʌɪz]


    • v.
      plan or invent (a complex procedure, system, or mechanism) by careful thought: a training programme should be devised a complicated game of his own devising
    • n.
      a clause in a will leaving something, especially real estate, to someone.

    Oxford Dictionary