- IPA[ˈdɪki]
- a false shirt front;a folding seat at the back of a vehicle
noun: dicky, plural noun: dickies
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. informal a false shirt front a white dicky with a black string bow tie
- 2. informal, dated a folding seat at the back of a vehicle the Plymouth looks great with its wooden spoked wheels and it even has the original dicky seat
- ▪ historical a driver's seat in a carriage.
- 3. Indian informal the boot of a car I have to get the dent in the dicky repaired at that time
- a child's word for a bird.
Oxford Dictionary
- a bow tie.
Oxford Dictionary
- not a word; nothing at all
Oxford Dictionary
- 更多解釋
- IPA[ˈdikē]
- a false shirtfront: a white dicky with a black string bow tie
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[ˈdikē]
- (of a part of the body, a structure, or a device) not strong, healthy, or functioning reliably: a man with a dicky leg
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[ˈdɪki]
- (of a part of the body, a structure, or a device) not strong, healthy, or functioning reliably: a pianist with a dicky heart
Oxford Dictionary