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  1. dip

    • IPA[dɪp]



    • vt.
    • vi.
      俯衝; 下沉; 低下;向下傾斜
    • n.
    • 過去式:dipped 過去分詞:dipped 現在分詞:dipping

    • 名詞複數:dips

    • 釋義
    • 同反義


    • 1. to dip sth. in or into sth. 把某物在某液體中浸一下
    • 2. to dip sth. in or into sth. 把某物在某液體中蘸一下
    • 3. 給…洗藥浴
    • 4. 浸塗
    • 5. 低; 屈
    • 6. 把…調為近光


    • 1. 俯衝; 下沉; 低下
    • 2. 向下傾斜
    • 3. 暫時下降 to dip below sth. 暫時下降到某水平以下
    • 4. 伸手掏 to dip into sth. 伸手到某物中掏 she will have to dip into her savings to pay the bill 她將不得不動用自己的積蓄來付賬


    • 1. 游一游 I'm just going for a dip 我只是去游個泳
    • 2. 凹地 there is a bit of a dip in the road here 路這裡有點凹陷
    • 3. 下落; 低下
    • 4. 下降 a sudden dip in share prices 股票價格的突然下跌
    • 5. 蘸醬
    • 6. 傾角 magnetic dip 磁傾角


    1. put or let something down quickly or briefly in or into (liquid)

    2. sink, drop, or slope downwards

    3. (of a level or amount) become lower or smaller, typically temporarily

    4. lower or move (something) downwards

    5. lower the beam of (a vehicle's headlights)

    6. a brief swim

    7. a brief immersion in liquid

    8. a thick sauce in which pieces of food are dipped before eating

    9. a brief downward slope followed by an upward one

    10. an act of sinking or dropping briefly before rising again


    「1. sink, drop, or slope downwards」的反義字

    「2. (of a level or amount) become lower or smaller, typically temporarily」的反義字

    「3. lower or move (something) downwards」的反義字

    「4. lower the beam of (a vehicle's headlights)」的反義字

    「5. an act of sinking or dropping briefly before rising again」的反義字