1. a state of confusion
- untidiness
- , disorderliness
- , mess
- , disarray
- , disorganization
- , chaos
- , confusion
- , clutter
- , jumble
- , a muddle
- , a mess
- , a shambles
- , a mare's nest
- , a dog's dinner
- , a dog's breakfast
- , an omnishambles
2. the breakdown of peaceful and law-abiding public behaviour
- unrest
- , disturbance
- , disruption
- , upheaval
- , tumult
- , turmoil
- , mayhem
- , pandemonium
- , violence
- , fighting
- , rioting
- , insurrection
- , rebellion
- , mutiny
- , lawlessness
- , anarchy
- , breach of the peace
- , riot
- , fracas
- , rumpus
- , brouhaha
- , melee
- , hubbub
- , furore
- , affray
- , hoo-ha
- , aggro
- , argy-bargy
- , snafu
- , wilding
3. an illness that disrupts normal physical or mental functions
- disease
- , infection
- , complaint
- , problem
- , condition
- , affliction
- , malady
- , sickness
- , illness
- , ailment
- , infirmity
- , defect
- , irregularity
- , bug
- , virus
- , lurgy
「1. a state of confusion」的反義字
「2. the breakdown of peaceful and law-abiding public behaviour」的反義字