- IPA[dɪˈspætʃ]
- 派遣; 發送;迅速完成; 迅速解決; 迅速打敗
- 公文急件;新聞報道
過去式:dispatched 過去分詞:dispatched 現在分詞:dispatching
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 1. 派遣; 發送
- 2. 迅速完成; 迅速解決; 迅速打敗
- 3. 殺死
- 1. 公文急件
- 2. 新聞報道
- 3. 派遣; 發送
- 4. 殺死
1. send off to a destination or for a purpose
2. deal with (a task or opponent) quickly and efficiently
- deal with
- , finish
- , dispose of
- , conclude
- , settle
- , sort out
- , discharge
- , execute
- , perform
- , expedite
- , push through
- , accelerate
- , hasten
- , speed up
- , hurry on
- , make short work of
3. kill
- kill
- , put to death
- , do to death
- , do away with
- , put an end to
- , finish off
- , take the life of
- , end the life of
- , slaughter
- , butcher
- , massacre
- , wipe out
- , mow down
- , shoot down
- , cut down
- , destroy
- , exterminate
- , eliminate
- , eradicate
- , annihilate
- , murder
- , assassinate
- , execute
- , bump off
- , knock off
- , polish off
- , do in
- , top
- , take out
- , snuff out
- , erase
- , croak
- , stiff
- , zap
- , blow away
- , blow someone's brains out
- , give someone the works
- , ice
- , off
- , rub out
- , waste
- , whack
- , smoke
- , scrag
- , terminate with extreme prejudice
- , slay
4. the sending of someone or something to a destination or for a purpose
5. promptness and efficiency
- promptness
- , speed
- , speediness
- , swiftness
- , rapidity
- , quickness
- , briskness
- , haste
- , hastiness
- , hurriedness
- , urgency
- , fleetness
- , celerity
- , expedition
- , expeditiousness
- , promptitude
6. an official report on state or military affairs
- communication
- , communiqué
- , bulletin
- , release
- , report
- , account
- , announcement
- , statement
- , missive
- , letter
- , epistle
- , message
- , instruction
- , news
- , intelligence
- , memo
- , info
- , low-down
- , dope
- , tidings
7. the killing of someone or something