Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋


  1. division

    • IPA[dɪˈvɪʒn]



    • n.
    • 名詞複數:divisions

    • 釋義
    • 同反義


    • 1. 分開 the division of the country into North and South 國家南部和北部的劃分
    • 2. 分配 division between or among several people 在幾個人中的分配
    • 3. 除法
    • 4.
    • 5. 部門 the company's sales division 公司的銷售部
    • 6. to be in division one, in the first division 在甲級隊
    • 7. 分歧
    • 8. 差異
    • 9. 部分
    • 10.
    • 11. 分組表決


    1. the action of separating something into parts or the process of being separated

    2. the distribution of something separated into parts

    3. difference or disagreement between two or more groups, typically producing tension

    4. each of the parts into which something is divided

    5. a major section of an organization, with responsibility for a particular area of activity

    6. a partition


    「1. the distribution of something separated into parts」的反義字

    「2. difference or disagreement between two or more groups, typically producing tension」的反義字