Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋


  1. PyDict


    • 拉,拖,拔劍拖拉,挨近,領取,打成平局,引來,抽簽決定,畫,描寫,制訂
    • 相關詞
    • ph.
      吸引 This film is drawing in large crowds every night. 這部影片每天晚上都吸引著大批觀眾。 His advertisment drew in a large attendance. 他的廣告吸引了許多人前來。
    • ph.
      起草; 制訂 He has drawn up a vacation plan. 他已擬出假期計劃。
    • ph.
      拔出 The dentist drew out the bad tooth from the patient's mouth. 牙醫從病人口腔裡拔出了那只蛀牙。
    • ph.
    • ph.
      喘; 歇口氣 as kind a man as ever drew breath 世上一大好人
    • ph.
      脫掉 He drew off his wet coat. 他脫掉了濕外套。
    • ph.
      靠近; 利用, 動用; 穿上 Winter is drawing on. 冬季即將來臨。 Night was drawing on. 夜幕降臨。
    • ph.
      退縮; 收回 At the sight of a mouse, she drew back in horror. 她一看見老鼠, 就嚇得連連退縮。
    • ph.
      使某人/某事物不能為害; 使無能為力 Critics fear the bill will have its teeth drawn before it becomes law. 評論家擔心法案獲通過時已鋒芒盡失。
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