- IPA[ˈdaɪɪŋ]
- 將死的; 即將枯萎的;病入膏肓的
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 1. 將死的; 即將枯萎的
- 2. 病入膏肓的 to look like a dying duck 看上去蔫頭耷腦
- 3. 臨終的 dying words 臨終遺言 I will remember it till my dying day 我至死都不會忘記此事
- 4. 即將消亡的
1. on the point of death
- terminally ill
- , at death's door
- , on one's deathbed
- , in the jaws of death
- , on the point of death
- , near death
- , passing away
- , fading fast
- , sinking fast
- , expiring
- , moribund
- , breathing one's last
- , not long for this world
- , in extremis
- , on one's last legs
- , with one foot in the grave
- , giving up the ghost
2. occurring at or connected with the time that someone dies
3. gradually ceasing to exist or function; in decline and about to disappear
「1. occurring at or connected with the time that someone dies」的反義字
「2. gradually ceasing to exist or function; in decline and about to disappear」的反義字