- IPA[ˈəːnɪst]
- resulting from or showing sincere and intense conviction
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- 1. resulting from or showing sincere and intense conviction an earnest student two girls were in earnest conversation 同義詞 反義詞
- money paid to confirm a contract: the earnest money shall be enclosed along with the sealed tender documents
Oxford American Dictionary
- occurring to a greater extent or more intensely than before
Oxford American Dictionary
- money paid to confirm a contract: the earnest money shall be enclosed along with the sealed tender documents
Oxford Dictionary
- to a greater extent or more intensely than before
Oxford Dictionary
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- IPA[ˈərnəst]
- resulting from or showing sincere and intense conviction: an earnest student two girls were in earnest conversation
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[ˈərnəst]
- a thing intended or regarded as a sign or promise of what is to come: the presence of the troops is an earnest of the world's desire not to see the conflict repeated elsewhere
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[ˈəːnɪst]
- a thing intended or regarded as a sign or promise of what is to come: the very deliberateness of their disguise is an earnest of their real aloofness
Oxford Dictionary