- IPA[ɪnˈkləʊzd]
- surrounded or closed off on all sides;(of a religious order or other community) secluded from the outside world
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. surrounded or closed off on all sides a dark enclosed space
- ▪ (of a religious order or other community) secluded from the outside world a Mother Superior in an enclosed order
- surround or close off on all sides: the entire estate was enclosed with walls the lamp was enclosed in a frosted glass globe
Oxford Dictionary
- surround or close off on all sides: the entire estate was enclosed with walls
Oxford American Dictionary
- (of a person, community, or system) not choosing to or able to communicate with others or with ... the family is a self-enclosed unit
Oxford American Dictionary
- not choosing to or able to communicate with others or with external systems: the family is a self-enclosed unit
Oxford Dictionary
- 更多解釋
- IPA[inˈklōzd]
- surrounded or closed off on all sides: a dark enclosed space
Oxford American Dictionary