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  1. even then

    • ph.
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    • 1. 甚至到那時 Even then he wouldn't admit his errors. 甚至到那時他還不肯認錯。
    • 2. 儘管如此 The teacher explained everything, but even then she didn't understand. 老師什麼都解釋了, 儘管如此, 她還是不明白。 I've shown him the photographs but even then he won't believe me. 雖然我已給他看了照片, 他還是不相信我。
    • 3. 【文】(僅用於進行時態, 常置於助動詞與主要動詞之間)恰恰在這時 The troops are even then preparing to march into the city. 部隊恰恰在這時準備開進城去。
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      【文】(用作複合連詞)正當; 恰恰 The telephone rang even as he was going out. 他剛要外出, 電話鈴響了。 Even as he shouted the warning the car skidded. 就在他高喊注意的時候, 汽車滑動了。
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      甚至到現在 Even now she won't believe me. 她甚至到現在還不相信我。
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      變得平坦或穩定 The path ran steeply up the hill and then evened out. 這條路很陡, 到山上就平坦了。 House prices keep rising and falling but they will eventually even out. 房價有漲有落, 但終會穩定的。
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      即使 I shan't mind even if he doesn't come. 即使他不來, 我也不介意。
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      儘管如此; 然而; 不過 There are many spelling mistakes; even so it's quite a good essay. 這篇文章有許多拼寫錯誤, 然而仍不失之為好文章。 The book is rather old; even so, it is very useful. 這本書已很舊, 儘管如此, 它還是很有用。
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      連...也不 He never even tasted the soup. 那湯他連嚐也沒嚐一下。
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      更不用說; 更何況 He's too shy to ask a stranger the time, even less speak to a room full of people. 他連向陌生人打聽時間都不好意思, 更不用說向一屋子人講話了。
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      不賠不賺 It will be a year before the firm makes a profit but at least it's breaking even. 這家公司一年以後才能贏利, 現在至少已不賠不賺了。
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      即使; 縱然; 儘管 Even though I were in his place, I would not go. 即使我在他的地位, 我也不願去。 Even though I have to walk all the way I'll get there. 即使我得一路走著去, 我也要走到那裡。
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