1. profoundly immoral and wicked
- wicked
- , bad
- , wrong
- , morally wrong
- , wrongful
- , immoral
- , sinful
- , ungodly
- , unholy
- , foul
- , vile
- , base
- , ignoble
- , dishonourable
- , corrupt
- , iniquitous
- , depraved
- , degenerate
- , villainous
- , nefarious
- , sinister
- , vicious
- , malicious
- , malevolent
- , demonic
- , devilish
- , diabolic
- , diabolical
- , fiendish
- , dark
- , black-hearted
- , monstrous
- , shocking
- , despicable
- , atrocious
- , heinous
- , odious
- , contemptible
- , horrible
- , execrable
- , low-down
- , stinking
- , dirty
- , shady
- , warped
- , bent
- , crooked
- , dastardly
- , black
- , egregious
- , flagitious
- , peccable
2. harmful or tending to harm
- unlucky
- , unfortunate
- , unfavourable
- , adverse
- , unhappy
- , disastrous
- , catastrophic
- , ruinous
- , calamitous
- , unpropitious
- , inauspicious
- , dire
- , woeful
3. (of a smell or sight) extremely unpleasant
- unpleasant
- , disagreeable
- , nasty
- , horrible
- , foul
- , filthy
- , vile
- , inclement
- , wet
- , rainy
- , stormy
- , squally
- , blustery
- , cold
- , freezing
- , foggy
「1. profoundly immoral and wicked」的反義字
「2. (of a smell or sight) extremely unpleasant」的反義字