1. accurate or correct in all details
- precise
- , accurate
- , correct
- , faithful
- , close
- , true
- , veracious
- , literal
- , strict
- , unerring
- , faultless
- , errorless
- , error-free
- , perfect
- , impeccable
- , explicit
- , detailed
- , minute
- , meticulous
- , thorough
- , blow-by-blow
- , inch-perfect
- , on the nail
- , on the mark
- , on the beam
- , on the button
- , spot on
- , bang on
- , on the money
2. (of a person) accurate and careful about minor details
- careful
- , meticulous
- , painstaking
- , precise
- , punctilious
- , conscientious
- , rigorous
- , scrupulous
- , exacting
- , methodical
- , systematic
- , well organized
- , ordered
- , orderly
- , controlled
3. demand and obtain (something) from someone
- demand
- , require
- , insist on
- , command
- , call for
- , impose
- , request
- , ask for
- , expect
- , look for
- , extract
- , compel
- , force
- , wring
- , wrest
- , squeeze
- , obtain
- , constrain
4. inflict (revenge) on someone
「1. accurate or correct in all details」的反義字
「2. (of a person) accurate and careful about minor details」的反義字