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  1. experiment

    • IPA[ɪkˈspɛrɪm(ə)nt]


    • n.
      a scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact;a course of action tentatively adopted without being sure of the outcome
    • v.
      perform a scientific procedure, especially in a laboratory, to determine something;try out new ideas or methods
    • verb: experiment, 3rd person present: experiments, gerund or present participle: experimenting, past tense: experimented, past participle: experimented

    • noun: experiment, plural noun: experiments

    • 釋義
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    • 1. perform a scientific procedure, especially in a laboratory, to determine something experimenting on animals causes suffering
    • try out new ideas or methods the designers experimented with new ideas in lighting
    • n.
      an experiment carried out only in the imagination: the far-sighted politician must do a thought experiment and apply the test of war

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      a mental assessment of the implications of a hypothesis: the far-sighted politician must do a thought experiment and apply the test of war

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      an experiment performed in 1887 which attempted to measure the relative motion of the earth and ...

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      an experiment performed in 1887 which attempted to measure the relative motion of the earth and ...

    Oxford Dictionary

    • 更多解釋
    • n.
      a scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a ... I have tested this by experiment laboratory experiments on guinea pigs
    • v.
      perform a scientific procedure, especially in a laboratory, to determine something: she experimented on chickens as well as mice

    Oxford American Dictionary