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  1. fall

    • IPA[fɔːl]



    • vi.
    • n.
    • npl.
    • 過去式:fell 過去分詞:fallen 現在分詞:falling

    • 名詞複數:falls

    • 釋義
    • 同反義
    • 片語


    • 1. 落下 the vase fell and broke into a thousand pieces 花瓶掉下來摔得粉碎 the blow fell in the small of his back 那一拳打在他的腰背部
    • 2. 倒下 many trees fell in the storm 在暴風雨中許多樹都倒了 she fell on her face 她摔了個嘴啃泥
    • 3. 下落; 消退; 垂落 his arms fell to his sides 他雙臂下垂,放在身體兩側 the curtain fell 幕落了
    • 4. 下垂 her hair fell over her shoulders 她的頭髮披在肩上
    • 5. 發生 my birthday falls on a Wednesday 我的生日適逢星期三 Easter falls early this year 今年的復活節來得早
    • 6. 向下傾斜 the ground falls gently for several hundred metres 地面緩緩向下傾斜好幾百米
    • 7. 陣亡
    • 8. 失守 Troy fell to the Greeks 特洛伊城被希臘人攻陷 a number of Labour seats have fallen to the Conservatives 許多工黨的席位落入了保守黨的手中
    • 9. 被打敗; 下臺 the government fell after the revolution 政府在那次革命之後垮臺了
    • 10. 瓦解; 垮掉 to stand or fall on sth. 成敗取決於某事物 the case for the defence stands or falls on this question 被告的理由成立與否取決於對這個問題的回答
    • 11. 降臨; 下降 a sudden silence fell over or among the waiting crowd 等待的人群突然變得鴉雀無聲 darkness falls quickly in the tropics 熱帶地區天黑得很快
    • 12. 被說出 not a word fell from his lips or mouth 他一聲不吭 to let fall sth. or to let sth. fall 透露某事
    • 13. 落在 a ray of light fell across his bed 一束光線從他床上掠過 the stress falls on the first syllable 重音落在第一個音節上
    • 14. 下降 prices have fallen on the stock market 股市已經下跌 the sound of the siren rises and falls 警報器的聲音時高時低
    • 15. 進入 he fell under suspicion 他受到了懷疑 to fall ill or sick 生病
    • 16. 處於 which category does this fall into? 這屬於哪一類? an act that falls in the grey area between attack and self-defence 介於攻擊與自衛之間的行為
    • 17. 墮落 to fall into temptation 受到誘惑而墮落


    • 1. 落下 a heavy fall of snow 一場大雪 a fall of rocks had blocked the road 滾落的岩石堵住了路
    • 2. 摔倒 to have a bad fall 重重地摔了一跤 he was injured in a fall from his horse 他從馬背上掉下來受了傷
    • 3. 下落距離 a fall of 20 metres 20米的落差
    • 4. 雙肩著地; 體落
    • 5. 下垂
    • 6. 失守 the fall of Troy 特洛伊城的淪陷
    • 7. 失勢; 垮臺; 滅亡 a fall in popularity 人氣的下降
    • 8. 下降 a fall in prices 價格的下跌 a sharp fall in unemployment numbers 失業人數的急劇減少
    • 9. 降低 the rise and fall of the melody 音調的升降
    • 10. 墮落 the Fall (of Man) 人類的墮落 his fall from grace 他的墮落
    • 11. 秋天


    • 1. 瀑布 the Niagara Falls 尼亞加拉大瀑布


    1. move from a higher to a lower level, typically rapidly and without control

    2. (of a person) lose one's balance and collapse

    3. decrease in number, amount, intensity, or quality

    4. be captured or defeated

    5. die in battle

    6. (of a government or leader) lose office or be overthrown

    7. pass into a specified state, situation, or position

    8. occur or take place

    9. an act of falling or collapsing

    10. a downward difference in height between parts of a surface

    11. a waterfall or cascade

    12. a decrease in size, number, rate, or level

    13. a defeat or downfall

    14. the lapse of humankind into a state of sin, ascribed in traditional Jewish and Christian theology to the disobedience of Adam and Eve as described in Genesis


    「1. move from a higher to a lower level, typically rapidly and without control」的反義字

    「2. (of a person) lose one's balance and collapse」的反義字

    「3. decrease in number, amount, intensity, or quality」的反義字

    「4. be captured or defeated」的反義字

    「5. (of a government or leader) lose office or be overthrown」的反義字

    「6. a downward difference in height between parts of a surface」的反義字

    「7. a decrease in size, number, rate, or level」的反義字

    「8. a defeat or downfall」的反義字