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  1. fiddleback

    • IPA[ˈfidlˌbak]


    • n.
      a thing shaped like the back of a violin, with the sides deeply curved inward, especially the back of a chair.;a rippled effect in the grain of fine wood, often exploited when making the backs of violins
    • noun: fiddleback, plural noun: fiddlebacks

    • 釋義


    • 1. a thing shaped like the back of a violin, with the sides deeply curved inward, especially the back of a chair.
    • 2. a rippled effect in the grain of fine wood, often exploited when making the backs of violins fiddleback mahogany
    • 3. another term for brown recluse
    • 更多解釋
    • IPA[ˈfɪdlbak]


    • n.
      a thing shaped like the back of a violin, with the sides deeply curved inwards, especially the ...

    Oxford Dictionary