- IPA[ˈfɪŋɡəprɪnt]
- an impression or mark made on a surface by a person's fingertip, able to be used for identifying individuals from the unique pattern of whorls and lines on the fingertips.;a distinctive identifying characteristic
- record the fingerprints of
verb: fingerprint, 3rd person present: fingerprints, gerund or present participle: fingerprinting, past tense: fingerprinted, past participle: fingerprinted
noun: fingerprint, plural noun: fingerprints
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. an impression or mark made on a surface by a person's fingertip, able to be used for identifying individuals from the unique pattern of whorls and lines on the fingertips.
- ▪ a distinctive identifying characteristic the faint chemical fingerprint of plastic explosives
- 1. record the fingerprints of I was booked, fingerprinted, and locked up for the night
- a set of characteristics that are unique to the DNA of an individual organism, obtained by ... the genetic fingerprint now gives police the potential to find a match on items belonging to suspects they can store the animal's genetic fingerprint and from that fingerprint identify related individuals
Oxford Dictionary
- the verification of a person's identity by comparing their fingerprints with previously ... moisture, lotions, sweat, or dry skin may affect fingerprint recognition
Oxford Dictionary
- the verification of a person's identity by comparing their fingerprints with previously ... moisture, lotions, sweat, or dry skin may affect fingerprint recognition
Oxford American Dictionary
- a set of characteristics that are unique to the DNA of an individual organism, obtained by ... the genetic fingerprint now gives police the potential to find a match on items belonging to suspects they can store the animal's genetic fingerprint and from that fingerprint identify related individuals
Oxford American Dictionary
- 更多解釋
- IPA[ˈfiNGɡərˌprint]
- an impression or mark made on a surface by a person's fingertip, especially as used for ... the police had his fingerprints on file
- record the fingerprints of (someone): I was booked, fingerprinted, and locked up for the night
Oxford American Dictionary