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  1. flagon

    • IPA[ˈflaɡən]


    • n.
      a large container in which drink is served, typically with a handle and spout;the amount of liquid held in a flagon
    • noun: flagon, plural noun: flagons

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    • 1. a large container in which drink is served, typically with a handle and spout there was a flagon of beer in his vast fist
    • the amount of liquid held in a flagon he had at least three flagons of wine down him already
    • a container similar to a flagon used to hold the wine for the Eucharist.
    • a large bottle in which wine or cider is sold, typically holding about 2 pints (1.13 liters).
    • n.
      a vehicle used to transport alcoholic drink to an Aboriginal settlement: the flagon wagons run less regularly than they used to

    Oxford Dictionary

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    • IPA[ˈflaɡ(ə)n]


    • n.
      a large container in which drink is served, typically with a handle and spout: a silver flagon

    Oxford Dictionary