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  1. flechette

    • IPA[fleɪˈʃɛt]


    • n.
      a type of ammunition resembling a needle, used in bombs, shells, and guns;a shell containing flechettes
    • noun: flechette, plural noun: flechettes

    • 釋義


    • 1. a type of ammunition resembling a needle, used in bombs, shells, and guns doctors say they have pulled flechettes from dead and wounded fighters
    • a shell containing flechettes the flechette exploded and part of it penetrated the southern and western walls
    • 更多解釋
    • IPA[flāˈSHet]


    • n.
      a type of ammunition resembling a small dart, shot from a gun: doctors say they have pulled flechettes from dead and wounded fighters

    Oxford American Dictionary