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  1. flit

    • IPA[flit]


    • v.
      move swiftly and lightly;leave one's home or move, typically secretly so as to escape creditors or obligations.
    • n.
      an act of leaving one's home or moving, typically secretly so as to escape creditors or obligations
    • verb: flit, 3rd person present: flits, gerund or present participle: flitting, past tense: flitted, past participle: flitted

    • noun: flit, plural noun: flits

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    • 1. move swiftly and lightly small birds flitted about in the branches the idea had flitted through his mind
    • leave one's home or move, typically secretly so as to escape creditors or obligations.


    • 1. British informal an act of leaving one's home or moving, typically secretly so as to escape creditors or obligations moonlight flits from one insalubrious dwelling to another
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    • IPA[flɪt]


    • v.
      move swiftly and lightly: small birds flitted about in the branches the idea had flitted through his mind
    • n.
      an act of moving house or leaving one's home, typically secretly so as to escape creditors ... moonlight flits from one insalubrious dwelling to another

    Oxford Dictionary