- IPA[fɔːst]
- obtained or imposed by coercion or physical power;(of a plant) having its development or maturity artificially hastened.
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- 1. obtained or imposed by coercion or physical power there was no sign of a forced entry 同義詞 反義詞
- ▪ (of a plant) having its development or maturity artificially hastened.
- 2. (of a gesture or expression) produced or maintained with effort; affected or unnatural a forced smile 同義詞 反義詞
- strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement: he was thrown backward by the force of the explosion
- make a way through or into by physical strength; break open by force: they broke into Fred's house and forced every cupboard door with axe or crowbar
Oxford American Dictionary
- strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement: he was thrown backwards by the force of the explosion
- make a way through or into by physical strength; break open by force: the back door of the bank was forced
Oxford Dictionary
- (of a bid) requiring by convention a response from one's partner, no matter how weak their ... an opening bid of two clubs is forcing to game
Oxford American Dictionary
- (of a bid) requiring by convention a response from one's partner, no matter how weak their ... an opening bid of two clubs is forcing to game
Oxford Dictionary
- a waterfall: at the village of West Burton, two miles distant, is a fine force
Oxford American Dictionary
- a waterfall: at the village of West Burton, two miles distant, is a fine force
Oxford Dictionary
- a fast march by soldiers, typically over a long distance
Oxford American Dictionary
- an act of abruptly bringing an aircraft to the ground or the surface of water in an emergency: both engines failed and the aircraft made a forced landing in a field
Oxford American Dictionary
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- IPA[fôrst]
- obtained or imposed by coercion or physical power: the brutal regime of forced labor
Oxford American Dictionary