Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋


  1. distract from

    • ph.
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    • 1. 使從...分心 The noise distracted him from his reading. 喧鬧聲使他不能安心讀書。
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      阻止; 制止 Nothing can prevent him from going. 什麼都不能阻止他前往。 That did not prevent him from working on the following day. 那不可能阻止他第二天繼續工作。
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      區別...和...; 區分... It is not easy to distinguish real pearls from imitation pearls. 區別真珍珠與假珍珠並不容易。 The two sisters are so alike that people can hardly distinguish one from the other. 那兩姊妹非常相像, 人們很難把她倆區分開來。
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      受...之苦; 受...困擾 Their company is suffering from a severe crisis. 他們的公司正遭受嚴重的危機。 His health suffers from overwork. 他的健康由於過分勞累而受到損害。
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      離開; 背道而馳 Please do not diverge from the original topic. 請不要離題。
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      抑制...; 忍住...; 自己戒除...; 避免... Please refrain from smoking during the performance. 在執行任務時請忍住不要抽菸。 The boy refrained from tears. 男孩忍住沒哭。
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      (指某事物開始的時間或日期)從...起 As from next Monday you can use my office. 從下星期一起, 你可以使用我的辦公室。
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      由...引起 Her illness arose from lack of rest. 她的病是缺乏休息引起的。
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      從...發出 Light and heat proceed form the sun. 光和熱來自太陽。
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      減少; 降低 John may not have lived a blameless life, but that does not take from his achievement as a poet. 約翰不可能生活得平平靜靜一點不受指責, 但這並沒有減少他作為一個詩人的成就。 The slight damage did not take from the engine's power. 那點輕微的損壞並不減低引擎的威力。
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