- IPA[ɡɔːl]
- bold and impudent behaviour;the contents of the gall bladder; bile (proverbial for its bitterness).
noun: gall, plural noun: galls
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. bold and impudent behaviour the bank had the gall to demand a fee 同義詞
- 2. the contents of the gall bladder; bile (proverbial for its bitterness). 同義詞
- ▪ an animal's gall bladder the trade in animal parts such as bear galls
- ▪ used to refer to something bitter or cruel accept life's gall without blaming somebody else
- annoying; humiliating: the loss was particularly galling
Oxford American Dictionary
- causing annoyance or resentment; annoying: it would be galling to lose your job because of a dispute with a customer
Oxford Dictionary
- a bacterial disease of plants, especially fruit bushes and trees, that is characterized by ...
Oxford American Dictionary
- a bacterial disease of plants, especially fruit bushes and trees, that is characterized by ...
Oxford Dictionary
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- 2
- 3
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- IPA[ɡôl]
- annoyance; irritation: he was filled with gall at the suspected ambitions of his old enemies
- make (someone) feel annoyed: he knew he was losing, and it galled him
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[ɡôl]
- bold and impudent behavior: the bank had the gall to demand a fee
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[ɡɔːl]
- annoyance or resentment: he was filled with gall at the suspected ambitions of his old enemies
- make (someone) feel annoyed or resentful: it galled him to have to sit impotently in silence
Oxford Dictionary
- IPA[ɡôl]
- an abnormal growth formed on plants and trees, especially oaks, in response to the presence of ... a single grub feeds on its gall for two years before emerging the witch hazel had developed leaf galls
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[ɡɔːl]
- an abnormal growth formed in response to the presence of insect larvae, mites, or fungi on ... a single grub feeds on its gall for two years before emerging the witch hazel had developed leaf galls
Oxford Dictionary