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  1. get out

    • ph.
      (使)出去, (使)出來;(使)逃出
    • 釋義
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    • 相關詞


    • 1. (使)出去, (使)出來 As it is raining I cannot get out. 因為天下雨我不能出去。
    • 2. (使)逃出 No one knows how the lion got out. 沒有人知道獅子是怎麼逃出來的。
    • 3. 取出; 拔出; 除去 The robber got out a gun and forced the owner to give him the jewelery. 強盜掏出槍, 逼著店主把珠寶給他。
    • 4. 離去; 退出組織(或活動等) The house is not fit to live in, I am getting out. 這房子不適宜居住, 我準備搬走。 When I knew they were planning something criminal, I got out fast. 當我知道他們在策劃犯罪活動時, 我立即退出了。
    • 5. (用於命令句)走開, 滾開; 去你的, 胡說
    • 6. 下公車(或火車等) I told the taxi driver that I wanted to get out at the train station. 我告訴出租汽車司機我要在火車站下車。
    • 7. 出版(書刊等); (書刊等)出版; 生產(車輛等) They'll get out a book on atomic energy this season. 他們本季度要出版一本關於原子能的書。
    • 8. 費力地說出 The wounded man barely got out his name. 受傷者勉強說出了他的姓名。
    • 9. 作出, 完成(書面或口頭的材料) I have to go and work, I must get my next speech out. 我得去工作, 我必須把下一次的講稿準備好。
    • 10. (煤氣等)漏出; (消息等)洩露 The secret got out. 秘密洩露了。 If the news gets out there'll be trouble. 消息若洩露, 必將有後患。
    • 11. (從圖書館)借出(書籍等)
    • 12. 解答出(算題); 解決(難題等) Can you get the puzzle out? 你能解答這個謎嗎?
    • 13. 探聽出, 盤問出 We tried to get out the secret but he did not speak. 我們想盤問他的祕密, 但他就是不開口。
    • 14. 獲得(有意義或價值的東西)


    (使)出去, (使)出來


    「(使)出去, (使)出來」的反義字

    • ph.
      進入; 加入; 參加 I had no key and couldn't get in. 我沒有鑰匙, 進不去。
    • ph.
      (使)通過; (不需要的東西)進入 It took us only four minutes to get through the customs. 我們只花四分鐘就通過了海關。
    • ph.
      穿上(衣服等)(尤指費力地) I can't get into these shoes; they're too small. 這雙鞋太小了, 我穿不進去。
    • ph.
      拿得到, 夠得著; 抓住; 接近 I can't get at the book on the shelf. 我拿不到架子上的書。 The files are locked up and I can't get at them. 卷宗鎖起來了, 我無法取出。
    • ph.
      (使)抵達; 把...送到 When we got to the airport, the plane had already taken off. 我們到達機場時, 飛機已經起飛了。
    • ph.
      克服 She can't get over her shyness. 她無法克服她的羞怯心理。 New things always have difficulties to get over as they grow. 新生事物在它們發展的過程中總是有許多困難要克服。
    • ph.
      (後尤接副詞或用於疑問句的how之後)過日子; 進展; 進步 Our youngest son is getting on well at school. 我們的小兒子功課很有進步。 He seems to be getting on very well at school. 他在學校裡似乎進步很大。
    • ph.
      起床 What time does he get up? 他幾點起床?
    • ph.
      離開某地 It's time we were getting along. 是我們該走的時候了。
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