- IPA[ɡɪɡ]
- a live performance by a musician or group playing popular or jazz music;a job, especially one that is temporary or freelance and performed on an informal or on-demand basis
- (of a musician or group) perform a gig or gigs;use (a piece of musical equipment) at a gig
noun: gig, plural noun: gigs
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. a live performance by a musician or group playing popular or jazz music they relied almost entirely on live gigs to earn a livelihood he played his first gigs as a drummer in Cornwall
- 2. a job, especially one that is temporary or freelance and performed on an informal or on-demand basis her husband picked up food-delivery gigs driving a truck is a hard gig
- 1. (of a musician or group) perform a gig or gigs two or three nights a week we were gigging
- ▪ use (a piece of musical equipment) at a gig 12-string guitar, mint condition, never gigged
- temporary or freelance work performed by an independent contractor on an informal or on-demand ... the job market was transformed with the rise of casual and part-time gig work many areas of the industry are offering short-term gig work
Oxford American Dictionary
- a person who does temporary or freelance work, especially an independent contractor engaged on ... gig workers are mostly working on a part-time basis as a way to earn supplementary income gig workers, from rideshare drivers to nannies
Oxford American Dictionary
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- IPA[ɡiɡ]
- a live performance by or engagement for a musician or group playing popular or jazz music: they relied almost entirely on live gigs to earn a livelihood
- (of a musician or group) perform a gig or gigs: two or three nights a week we were gigging
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[ɡiɡ]
- a light two-wheeled carriage pulled by one horse.
- travel in a gig.
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[ɡiɡ]
- a device similar to a harpoon, used for catching fish.
- fish using a gig.
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[ɡɪɡ]
- a light two-wheeled carriage pulled by one horse.
Oxford Dictionary
- IPA[ɡɪɡ]
- a device similar to a harpoon, used for catching fish.
- fish using a gig.
Oxford Dictionary
- IPA[ɡɪɡ]
- short for gigabyte
Oxford Dictionary
- IPA[ɡiɡ]
- short for gigabyte
Oxford American Dictionary