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  1. glitter

    • IPA[ˈɡlɪtə]


    • v.
      shine with a bright, shimmering reflected light;(of eyes) shine with a particular emotion
    • n.
      a bright, shimmering reflected light;an expression of an emotion in a person's eyes
    • noun: glitter

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    • 1. shine with a bright, shimmering reflected light the grass glittered with dew
    • (of eyes) shine with a particular emotion her eyes glittered with excitement


    • n.
      a shower of glitter dispersed over someone or something, especially as part of a prank or ...
    • v.
      shower glitter over (someone or something), especially as part of a prank or political protest: if you have ever been glitter-bombed you'll know the sparkly stuff gets everywhere

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      a shower of glitter dispersed over someone or something, especially as part of a prank or ...
    • v.
      shower glitter over (someone or something), especially as part of a prank or political protest: if you have ever been glitter-bombed you'll know the sparkly stuff gets everywhere

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      the action or activity of showering glitter over someone or something, especially as part of a ... glitter bombing has become a popular form of protest for LGBT+ advocates

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      a large decorative ball covered with small mirrored facets, suspended from the ceiling of a ... a dance floor with a glitter ball

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      a large decorative ball covered with small mirrored facets, suspended from the ceiling of a ... a dance floor with a glitter ball

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      the action or activity of showering glitter over someone or something, especially as part of a ... glitter bombing has become a popular form of protest for LGBT+ advocates

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      the attractive external appearance of something is not a reliable indication of its true nature

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      the attractive external appearance of something is not a reliable indication of its true nature

    Oxford Dictionary

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    • IPA[ˈɡlidər]


    • v.
      shine with a bright, shimmering reflected light: trees and grass glittered with dew
    • n.
      a bright, shimmering reflected light: the blue glitter of the sea

    Oxford American Dictionary