- IPA[ɡəʊ]
- move from one place to another; travel;travel a specified distance
- an attempt or trial at something;a person's turn to use or do something
- functioning properly
verb: go, 3rd person present: goes, gerund or present participle: going, past tense: went, past participle: gone
noun: go, plural noun: goes
- 釋義
- 片語
- 1. move from one place to another; travel he went out to the shops she longs to go back home 同義詞
- ▪ travel a specified distance you just have to go a few miles to get to the road
- ▪ travel or move in order to engage in a specified activity let's go and have a pint we went to see her
- ▪ attend or visit for a particular purpose we went to the cinema
- ▪ (of a thing) lie or extend in a certain direction the scar went all the way up her leg 同義詞
- ▪ change in level, amount, or rank prices went up by 15 per cent we've had some rain that has prevented lake levels from going down
- ▪ informal said in various expressions when angrily or contemptuously dismissing someone go and get stuffed 同義詞 反義詞
- ▪ informal used to emphasize the speaker's annoyance at someone's action then he goes and spoils it all don't go poking your nose where you shouldn't
- ▪ begin motion (used in a starter's order to begin a race) ready, steady, go!
- 2. leave; depart I really must go 同義詞 反義詞
- ▪ (of time) pass or elapse the hours went by three years went past 同義詞
- ▪ pass a specified amount of time in a particular way I went a year without seeing my kids they went for two weeks without talking
- ▪ come to an end; cease to exist a golden age that has now gone for good 11,500 jobs are due to go by next year 同義詞 反義詞
- ▪ cease operating or functioning the power went in our road last week 同義詞
- ▪ leave or resign from a post I tried to persuade the Chancellor not to go
- ▪ die (used euphemistically) I'd like to see my grandchildren before I go 同義詞
- ▪ be lost or stolen when he returned minutes later his equipment had gone 同義詞
- ▪ (of money) be spent, especially in a specified way the rest of his money went on medical expenses 同義詞
- 3. intend or be likely or intended to be or do something (used to express a future tense) I'm going to be late for work she's going to have a baby
- 4. pass into or be in a specified state, especially an undesirable one the food is going bad no one went hungry in our house 同義詞
- ▪ make a sound of a specified kind the engine went bang
- ▪ (of a bell or similar device) make a sound in functioning I heard the buzzer go four times 同義詞
- 5. proceed or turn out in a specified way how did the weekend go? at first all went well 同義詞
- ▪ be acceptable or permitted underground events where anything goes
- 6. be harmonious, complementary, or matching rosemary goes with roast lamb the earrings and the scarf don't really go 同義詞
- ▪ be found in the same place or situation; be associated cooking and eating go together
- 7. (of a machine or device) function my car won't go 同義詞
- ▪ continue in operation or existence the committee was kept going even when its existence could no longer be justified
- 8. contribute to or be put into (a whole) considerable effort went into making the operation successful a large part of the museum's resources go towards maintaining the exhibits
- ▪ used to indicate how many people a supply of a resource is sufficient for or how much can be achieved using it the sale will go a long way towards easing the huge debt burden a little luck can go a long way
- 9. (of an article) be regularly kept or put in a particular place remember which card goes in which slot 同義詞
- ▪ fit into a particular place or space you're trying to squeeze a quart into a pint pot, and it just won't go
- 10. (of a song or account) have a specified content or wording if you haven't heard it, the story goes like this
- ▪ informal say the kids go, ‘Yeah, sure.’
- 11. informal use a toilet; urinate or defecate he had to go but couldn't, because she was still in the bathroom
- 1. informal an attempt or trial at something have a go at answering the questions yourself 同義詞
- 2. British informal a person's turn to use or do something I had a go on Nigel's racing bike come on Tony, it's your go
- ▪ used in reference to a single item, action, or spell of activity he drank a pint in one go they now cost about fifty quid a go
- 3. British informal spirit, animation, or energy there's no go in me at all these days 同義詞
- ▪ informal vigorous activity it's all go around here
- 4. informal, dated a state of affairs this seems a rum sort of go
- ▪ informal an attack of illness he's had this nasty go of dysentery
- 5. North American informal an enterprise which has been approved tell them the project is a go
- 1. informal functioning properly all systems go
- all the go
- as far as it goes
- as — go
- from go to whoa
- from the word go
- get going
- get someone going
- get something going
- go figure!
- go for it
- go halves
- going!, gone!
- go off on one
- going on —
- go it
- go to show
- go well
- have a go at
- have — going for one
- make a go of
- on the go
- to be going on with
- to go
- what goes around comes around
- who goes there?
- go about
- go after
- go against
- go ahead
- go along
- go along with
- go around with
- go at
- go back
- go back on
- go by
- go down
- go down on
- go down with
- go for
- go forward
- go in for
- go in with
- go into
- go off
- go on
- go on at
- go out
- go over
- go over to
- go round
- go through
- go through with
- go to
- go under
- go up
- go with
- go without