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  1. go-away bird

    • n.
      a crested long-tailed African bird of the turaco family, with mainly grey plumage and a call that resembles the words ‘go away’.
    • noun: go-away bird, plural noun: go-away birds

    • 相關詞
    • adj.
      marking or celebrating a departure: a going-away party
    • adv.
      with victory assured before the end of a race or other sporting contest: he caught the Nigerian coming around the final curve and won going away

    Oxford Dictionary

    • adj.
      marking or celebrating a departure: a going-away party
    • adv.
      with victory assured before the end of a race or other sporting contest: Jordan finished the game with 20 points and Detroit won going away

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      a huntsman's cry, indicating that a fox has been started

    Oxford Dictionary