Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋


  1. go out

    • ph.
      出門參加社交活動;(指潮汐)退潮, 落潮
    • 釋義


    • 1. 出門參加社交活動 She goes out a lot. 她經常參加社交活動。 He goes out drinking most evenings. 晚上他差不多都到外邊喝酒。
    • 2. (指潮汐)退潮, 落潮
    • 3. 停止工作; 罷工 Are we likely to gain anything by going out (on strike)? 我們罷工能得到什麼好處嗎?
    • 4. 送出; 發出; 派出 Have the invitations gone out yet? 請帖發出去沒有?
    • 5. (指節目)在電台或電視台上播放或播送 The first episode goes out next Friday evening at 8.00 pm. 下星期五晚上8時播出第一集。
    • 6. (指新聞、信息等)宣布, 發布, 發表, 刊登 Word went out that the Prime Minister had resigned. 傳說首相已經辭職。
    • 7. 不流行; 過時; 停止使用 Flared trousers went out years ago. 喇叭褲多年前就不時興了。
    • 8. 不再燃燒或發光; 熄滅 The fire has gone out. 火已熄滅。 There was a power cut and all the lights went out. 因停電所有的燈都熄滅了。
    • 9. 結束; 終止 The year went out with blizzards and gales. 在暴風雪中送走了一年。