Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋


  1. go through

    • vi.
    • vt.
      通過;查遍; 搜遍
    • 釋義


    • 1. 通過 please go (on) through 請進去吧
    • 2. 達成
    • 3. 往下進行 they need only a draw to go through 他們只需要打成平局就能進入下一輪比賽
    • 4. 獲得通過 the bill failed to go through 法案沒有通過


    • 1. 通過 to go through the gate/tunnel 穿過大門/隧道 to go through the switchboard/the right authorities 經過交換臺/通過正當的官方
    • 2. 查遍; 搜遍 to go through one's pockets/handbag 翻遍口袋/手提包
    • 3. 仔細檢查; 仔細講解 let's go through the points one by one 我們把這幾點逐一研究一下吧
    • 4. 一一讀出 to go through the register/list of names 點名 please go through exactly what's needed 請一一報出所需要的東西
    • 5. 經歷; 經受 he went through several operations 他做過幾次手術 we've all gone through difficult times 我們全都經歷過艱難時刻
    • 6. 完成 he went through the day's work in a couple of hours 他用了幾個小時便做完了白天的工作 to go through the formalities 辦手續
    • 7. 排練 let's go through the whole scene once more 我們把這一場再排練一遍
    • 8. 經過 the plan went through several stages 計劃經過了幾個階段 this book has already gone through 13 editions 這本書已經連續出了13版
    • 9. 用完 we went through four bottles of wine 我們喝了4瓶葡萄酒 he has gone through four cars/secretaries 他開壞了4輛汽車/用過4個秘書
    • 10. 磨破
    • 11. 在…獲得通過 the bill is going through the upper house 議案正在上院審議