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  1. going

    • IPA[ˈɡōiNG]


    • n.
      an act or instance of leaving a place; a departure;the condition of the ground viewed in terms of suitability for walking, riding, or other travel (used especially in the context of horse racing)
    • adj.
      existing or available; to be had;(especially of a price) generally accepted as fair or correct; current
    • noun: going, plural noun: goings

    • 釋義
    • 片語


    • 1. an act or instance of leaving a place; a departure his going left an enormous gap in each of their lives
    • 2. the condition of the ground viewed in terms of suitability for walking, riding, or other travel (used especially in the context of horse racing) the going was ideal here, with short turf and a level surface
    • progress affected by travelling conditions the paths were covered with drifting snow and the going was difficult
    • conditions for, or progress in, an endeavor an opportunity to get out while the going is good she is a big support when the going gets tough


    • 1. British existing or available; to be had he asked if there were any other jobs going
    • 2. (especially of a price) generally accepted as fair or correct; current people willing to work for the going rate