1. a particular level of rank, quality, proficiency, or value
- rank
- , level
- , echelon
- , standing
- , station
- , position
- , placing
- , class
- , status
- , order
- , stage
- , step
- , rung
- , rung on the ladder
- , notch
- , stratum
- , tier
- , degree of proficiency
- , degree of quality
- , degree of merit
2. a level in a salary or employment structure
- category
- , class
- , classification
- , grouping
- , group
- , set
- , section
- , bracket
- , division
- , type
- , brand
3. a mark indicating the quality of a student's work
4. (with specifying ordinal number) those pupils in a school or school system who are grouped by age or ability for teaching at a particular level for a year
5. a gradient or slope
- slope
- , gradient
- , incline
- , acclivity
- , declivity
- , tilt
- , angle
- , hill
- , rise
- , bank
- , ramp
6. arrange in or allocate to grades; classify or sort
- classify
- , class
- , categorize
- , bracket
- , sort
- , group
- , order
- , arrange
- , type
- , pigeonhole
- , brand
- , size
- , rank
- , evaluate
- , rate
- , value
- , range
- , graduate
- , calibrate
7. give a mark to (a student or a piece of work)
8. pass gradually from one level, especially a shade of colour, into another