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  1. grange

    • IPA[ɡrānj]


    • n.
      a country house with farm buildings attached;an outlying farm with tithe barns, belonging to a monastery or feudal lord.
    • noun: grange, plural noun: granges

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    • 1. British a country house with farm buildings attached Biddulph Grange
    • historical an outlying farm with tithe barns, belonging to a monastery or feudal lord.
    • archaic a barn.
    • 2. (in the US) a farmers' association organized in 1867. The Grange sponsors social activities, community service, and political lobbying.
    • US a local Grange lodge.
    • ph.
      (1903–91), US football player; born Harold Edward Grange; known as the Galloping Ghost. He ...

    Oxford American Dictionary

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    • IPA[ɡreɪn(d)ʒ]


    • n.
      a country house with farm buildings attached: Biddulph Grange

    Oxford Dictionary