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  1. gridiron

    • IPA[ˈɡrɪdˌʌɪən]


    • n.
      a frame of parallel bars or beams, typically in two sets forming a grid.;a frame of parallel metal bars used for grilling meat or fish over an open fire.
    • noun: gridiron, plural noun: gridirons

    • 釋義


    • 1. a frame of parallel bars or beams, typically in two sets forming a grid.
    • a frame of parallel metal bars used for grilling meat or fish over an open fire.
    • a frame of parallel beams for supporting a ship in dock.
    • (in the theatre) a framework over a stage supporting scenery and lighting.
    • 2. a field for American football, marked with regularly spaced parallel lines.
    • North American the sport of American football the national gridiron season
    • 3. a grid pattern, especially of streets.
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    • IPA[ˈɡridˌī(ə)rn]


    • n.
      a frame of parallel bars or beams, typically in two sets arranged at right angles.

    Oxford American Dictionary