- IPA[ˈhan(t)səm]
- (of a man) good-looking.;(of a woman) striking and imposing in good looks rather than conventionally pretty.
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 片語
- 1. (of a man) good-looking. 同義詞 反義詞
- ▪ (of a woman) striking and imposing in good looks rather than conventionally pretty. 同義詞 反義詞
- ▪ (of a thing) well made, imposing, and of obvious quality handsome cookbooks a handsome country town
- 2. (of a number, sum of money, or margin) substantial elected by a handsome majority 同義詞 反義詞
- expansive and impressive
Oxford American Dictionary
- expansive and impressive
Oxford Dictionary
- character and behavior are more important than appearance
Oxford American Dictionary
- character and behaviour are more important than appearance
Oxford Dictionary
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