- KK[ˋhɛd͵fon]
- DJ[ˋhedfəun]
- (常用複數形式)頭戴式耳機
- 相關詞
- (複數名詞)頭戴式耳機
- 耳機孔 For some strange reason the headphone jack of your cell phone is jammed with glue. I think somebody must have messed around with it. 因為某種奇怪的原因,你的耳機孔被膠堵住了。我想一定有人動過手腳吧。
- 耳機孔 For some strange reason the headphone jack of your cell phone is jammed with glue. I think somebody must have messed around with it. 因為某種奇怪的原因,你的耳機孔被膠堵住了。我想一定有人動過手腳吧。
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