- IPA[ˌhʌɪˈfləʊn]
- (especially of language or ideas) extravagant and grand-sounding
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- 相關詞
- 1. (especially of language or ideas) extravagant and grand-sounding he had other more high-flown artistic notions in mind his novels seem high-flown and absurd
- flying at a high altitude: the remotely piloted, high-flying aircraft
Oxford Dictionary
- flying at a high altitude: high-flying aircraft
Oxford American Dictionary
- be very successful; prosper
Oxford Dictionary
- be very successful; prosper
Oxford American Dictionary
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- IPA[ˈhīˌflōn]
- (especially of language or ideas) extravagant and lofty: he had other more high-flown artistic notions in mind his novels seem high-flown and absurd
Oxford American Dictionary