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  1. hour

    • IPA[ˈou(ə)r]


    • n.
      a period of time equal to a twenty-fourth part of a day and night and divided into 60 minutes;a less definite period of time
    • noun: hour, plural noun: hours

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    • 1. a period of time equal to a twenty-fourth part of a day and night and divided into 60 minutes a two-hour operation an extra hour of daylight
    • a less definite period of time during the early hours of the morning
    • the distance traveled in one hour Ocean City is less than an hour away
    • 2. a time of day specified as an exact number of hours from midnight or midday the clock in the sitting room struck the hour
    • a time specified on the 24-hour clock the first bomb fell at 0051 hours
    • the time as formerly reckoned from sunrise it was about the ninth hour
    • 3. a fixed period of time for an activity, such as work, use of a building, etc. the dinner hour shortened working hours
    • a particular point in time I wondered if my last hour had come
    • 4. (in the Western Church) a short service of psalms and prayers to be said at a particular time of day, especially in religious communities an organized life of prayer including the canonical hours
    • 5. 15° of longitude or right ascension (one twenty-fourth part of a circle).
    • plural
      the times of daily Christian prayer appointed in the breviary, or the offices set for them ...

    Oxford Dictionary

    • plural
      the times of daily Christian prayer appointed in the breviary.

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • plural
      a designated time when visitors may come to see a person in a hospital or other institution.

    Oxford Dictionary

    • plural
      the times during which a shop, bank, etc. is open for business.

    Oxford Dictionary

    • plural
      (in the Western Church) the offices of prime, terce, sext, and none.

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      most of the time, especially outside the time considered usual

    Oxford Dictionary

    • plural
      the hours during which business is normally conducted: an answering service operates outside office hours

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • plural
      the time during which a student receives active instruction as part of a course of study: the reduction in class contact hours

    Oxford American Dictionary

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    • IPA[ˈaʊə]


    • n.
      a period of time equal to a twenty-fourth part of a day and night and divided into 60 minutes: an extra hour of daylight in the winter evenings rates of pay were low, starting at £3.20 an hour

    Oxford Dictionary