- IPA[ī]
- Independent.;(preceding a highway number) Interstate.
- electric current;the chemical element iodine.
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. Independent.
- 2. (preceding a highway number) Interstate.
- 3. Island(s) or Isle(s) (chiefly on maps).
- 1. electric current V = I/R
- 2. the chemical element iodine.
- forming the plural of nouns adopted from Latin ending in -us: foci timpani
Oxford Dictionary
- forming the plural of nouns adopted from Latin ending in -us: foci timpani
Oxford American Dictionary
- forming adjectives from names of countries or regions in the Near or Middle East: Azerbaijani Pakistani
Oxford American Dictionary
- forming adjectives from names of countries or regions in the Near or Middle East: Azerbaijani Pakistani
Oxford Dictionary
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 下一頁
- 更多解釋
- IPA[ʌɪ]
- used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself: accept me for what I am
- (in metaphysics) the subject or object of self-consciousness; the ego.
Oxford Dictionary
- IPA[ʌɪ]
- Island(s) or Isle(s) (chiefly on maps).
- electric current: V = I/R
Oxford Dictionary
- IPA[ʌɪ]
- the ninth letter of the alphabet.
Oxford Dictionary
- IPA[ī]
- the ninth letter of the alphabet.
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[ī]
- used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself: accept me for what I am
- (in metaphysics) the subject or object of self-consciousness; the ego.
Oxford American Dictionary