- IPA[imˈpaktəd]
- pressed firmly together.;(of a tooth) wedged between another tooth and the jaw.
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. pressed firmly together.
- ▪ (of a tooth) wedged between another tooth and the jaw.
- ▪ (of a fractured bone) having the parts crushed together.
- ▪ (of feces) lodged in the intestine.
- 2. strongly affected by something grandiose planning projects have had deleterious effects on impacted social groups
- the action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another: there was the sound of a third impact bullets which expand and cause devastating injury on impact
- come into forcible contact with another object: the shell impacted twenty yards away
Oxford Dictionary
- the action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another: there was the sound of a third impact bullets that expand and cause devastating injury on impact
- come into forcible contact with another object: the shell impacted twenty yards away
Oxford American Dictionary
- (of plastic or a similar substance) able to withstand great impact without breaking.
Oxford American Dictionary
- (of plastic or a similar substance) able to withstand great impact without breaking.
Oxford Dictionary
- (of exercises, typically aerobics) designed to put little harmful stress on the body.
Oxford Dictionary
- denoting exercises, typically aerobics, designed to put little or no harmful stress on the body.
Oxford American Dictionary
- a crater on a planet or moon caused by the impact of a meteorite or other object, typically ...
Oxford American Dictionary
- a crater on a planet or satellite caused by the impact of a meteorite or other object.
Oxford Dictionary
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