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  1. impropriate

    • IPA[imˈprōprēˌāt]


    • v.
      grant (an ecclesiastical benefice) to a corporation or person as their property;place (tithes or ecclesiastical property) in lay hands
    • verb: impropriate, 3rd person present: impropriates, gerund or present participle: impropriating, past tense: impropriated, past participle: impropriated

    • 釋義


    • 1. grant (an ecclesiastical benefice) to a corporation or person as their property the rectory itself was impropriated to the convent the estates were transferred to the Crown in exchange for a few impropriated rectories
    • place (tithes or ecclesiastical property) in lay hands tithes were destined for the upkeep of the parish clergy but often impropriated by monasteries or laymen