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    • 插入(INSERT的簡寫)
    • 相關詞
    • ph.
      進入; 加入; 參加 I had no key and couldn't get in. 我沒有鑰匙, 進不去。
    • ph.
      進來 Paul: Hi, Sara. I hope that I'm not late. Sara: Come in, Paul. You're early. 保羅: “嗨, 莎拉。我希望我沒有遲到。”莎拉: “保羅, 請進。你來早了。”
    • ph.
      巴士、火車...等進站載客; (車輛或船)開到路邊或岸邊或開離公路 The train pulled in to the station on time. 火車準時進佔停靠。 The fishermen pulled in their nets and found that they were full of fish. 漁夫把網子拉進, 發現網裡充滿魚。
    • ph.
      接受; 理解 I tried my best to explain the matter to him, but he seemed unable to take in what I was saying. 我盡力向他解釋這件事, 但他似乎不能理解我的話。 They listen to my lecture, but how much did they take in, I wonder. 他們聽我的課但是我不清楚他們理解了多少。
    • ph.
      (水果、蔬菜等)應時的, 當令的 Strawberries are cheaper when they're in season. 草莓當令時便宜些。
    • ph.
      【口】滾滾而來 Waves rolled in on the beach. 波濤滾滾湧上海灘。
    • ph.
      奔入, 匆匆進入 There is water still running in. 仍有水在流進來。
    • ph.
      適合; 相合 This cork fits in nicely. 這個軟木塞正好塞得進去。
    • ph.
      吸引 This film is drawing in large crowds every night. 這部影片每天晚上都吸引著大批觀眾。 His advertisment drew in a large attendance. 他的廣告吸引了許多人前來。
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