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  1. in the running

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    • 1. 有獲勝的希望 He is in the running for promotion. 他很有希望晉升。 Charles is still in the running as a possible next head of the firm. 查理斯仍有希望當這家公司下一任的主管。
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      【口】有達到或實現某目的之機會 be in the running for a management post, a company car 有可能獲得管理職位、公司的汽車
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      從短期看來 It will be cheaper in the short run to use synthetic material. 短期內使用合成材料還是比較便宜的。
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      為某家族中各代人呈現出的共有特徵; 世代相傳 Red hair runs in the family. 那個家族的人頭髮都是紅色的。 A gift for music runs in the family. 那家人都有音樂天賦。
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      從長遠來看, 最後 Studying may be difficult just now, but you will benefit from it in the long run. 學習現在也許很艱難, 但是你最終將會受益。 Those who often change their studies will never succeed in the long run. 經常改變研究項目的人, 結果總是一無所成。
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      短期內 Cardboard's cheaper than leather in the short run. 就短期來說硬紙板比皮革便宜。
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      最終 It'll be cheaper in the long run to use real leather. 使用真正的皮革最終還是便宜合算的。
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      短期內 Cardboard's cheaper than leather in the short run. 就短期來說硬紙板比皮革便宜。
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    • ph.
      有獲勝的希望 Charles is still in the running as a possible next head of the firm. 查理斯仍有希望當這家公司下一任的主管。
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