- KK[ˋɪntərɪm]
- DJ[ˋintərim]
- 間歇;過渡期間[U]
- 間歇的,過渡期間的;臨時的,暫時的
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. 間歇;過渡期間[U] A room has been booked from September onwards. In the interim meetings will be held at my house. 已經預訂一間九月份起使用的房間。在此之前,會議在我家舉行。
- 1. 間歇的,過渡期間的
- 2. 臨時的,暫時的 an interim report 臨時(中期)報告 interim measures 臨時措施
- 【拉】臨時的(地)
- 【拉】臨時的(地)
- 在其時; 在其間 Little seems to have happened in the interim. 從那時到現在其間似乎沒有發生過什麼事情。
- 在其時,在其間;在兩件事情中間的時段 Little seems to have happened in the interim. 從那時到現在其間似乎沒有發生過什麼事情。 The old Chairman has resigned, and the new Chairman has yet to assume office. In the interim, I will serve as the acting Chairman. 舊的主席已經辭職,新的主席還未上任。在這期間,我將擔任代理主席。
- 在其時,在其間;在兩件事情中間的時段 Little seems to have happened in the interim. 從那時到現在其間似乎沒有發生過什麼事情。 The old Chairman has resigned, and the new Chairman has yet to assume office. In the interim, I will serve as the acting Chairman. 舊的主席已經辭職,新的主席還未上任。在這期間,我將擔任代理主席。