- IPA[ˈdʒaɡɪd]
- with rough, sharp points protruding
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. with rough, sharp points protruding the jagged edges gashed their fingers her jagged nerves
- a sharp projection.
- stab, pierce, or prick: she jagged herself in the mouth
Oxford Dictionary
- a sharp projection.
- stab, pierce, or prick: she jagged herself in the mouth
Oxford American Dictionary
- a bout of unrestrained or excessive indulgence in alcohol or drugs, or in a particular emotion ... a thirty-five minute crying jag
Oxford Dictionary
- a bout of unrestrained activity or emotion, especially drinking, crying, or laughing: an incredible crying jag
Oxford American Dictionary
- a Jaguar car: an E-type Jag
Oxford Dictionary
- a Jaguar car: an E-type Jag
Oxford American Dictionary
- Judge Advocate General.
Oxford Dictionary
- Judge Advocate General.
Oxford American Dictionary
- 更多解釋
- IPA[ˈjaɡəd]
- having rough, sharp points protruding: the jagged edges gashed their fingers soothing her jagged nerves
Oxford American Dictionary