- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 正義;公平;正當的理由;合法[U] All men should be treated with justice. 人人都應受到公平待遇。
- 2. 司法,審判[U] Those who break the law are subjected to justice. 違法者要受到法律制裁。
- 3. 法官[C]
n. 公平,公正,正義,原則
- fairness
- , fair play
- , impartiality
- , fair-mindedness
- , equity
- , equitableness
- , evenness
- , disinterestedness
- , dispassionateness
- , open-mindedness
- , evenhandedness
- , objectivity
n. 正確,確實,合法,正當理由
- rightfulness
- , lawfulness
- , justness
- , legitimacy
- , legitimateness
- , legality
- , validity
- , validness
- , solidity
- , solidness
- , firmness
- , justifiability
- , reasonableness
- , reasonability
- , judiciousness
n. 司法,審判
n. 法官
「n. 公平;合法」的反義字
- justice的名詞複數
- 公平地對待; 公平地評判 To do her justice, she is a good teacher. 說句公道話, 她是位好老師。
- 【法】恢復性解釋,重建性的公義(指違法者必須面對受害者解釋他們的行為)
- 大法官 In line with the constitution, every grand justice must be nominated by the President and then approved by the legislature's majority vote before he can be appointed. 依照憲法,每一位大法官都必須由總統提名,再由立法院以多數票同意後任命。
- 轉型正義;過渡正義 The opposition party has been clamoring for transitional justice for years. 反對黨這些年來一直在要求轉型正義。
- 理想的賞罰;理想的因果報應
- 審判長;首席法官
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